Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Zucchini "Pasta" in Tomato Sauce

Zucchini "Pasta"

Zucchini "pasta" is one of my favourite go-to dishes since giving up grains.  It's quick, easy and delicious - and chock full 'o veggies.  This is the basic recipe... but you can add so much to make it even more delicious.  My suggestions would be: maybe some meatballs or ground beef, red peppers (mmm, or roasted red peppers for enhanced flavour), mushrooms, bacon... all of this stuff would definitely taste awesome in this dish.  So, without further ado... here we go.

  • 2-3 zucchini (made enough for dinner + lunch for 1 person)
  • tomato sauce (I happen to have homemade stuff in mason jars - use whatever you like!)
  • 2-3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1-2 tbsp olive oil
  • salt, pepper, other spices to taste
  • parmesan cheese (optional)

Shredded zucchini1. Start by shredding your zucchini.  I use my mandoline to make it easier, and for uniform "noodles" - you can use a knife if you prefer/have the patience.  The trick is to only shred up to the seeds, and discard the core.  It doesn't cook very well in this recipe.  (If you can use it in another recipe, by all means, do so!)

Olive Oil, Garlic, Tomato Sauce2. Next, add some olive oil to your pan, on medium heat, and add your minced garlic to the pan.  When it starts to sizzle (but before it starts to burn), add your zucchini.   Add your spices and stir until the zucchini is softened.  If you're adding in other vegetables (red peppers, mushrooms, etc), now's the time to add them.

Cooking3. Once the zucchini is soft, add in your tomato sauce.   Allow the sauce to cook down a bit, as per your normal cooking directions.  My sauce has already been cooked, so I just let it heat through and reduce a bit, maybe 5-10 min.

Zucchini "Pasta" 4.  Once you're satisfied with the consistency of the sauce, remove from heat and serve.  Top with parmesan cheese, and you have yourself a delicious meal!

Have you tried this? Made any modifications?  Leave a comment and let me know what you think!