Thursday, June 16, 2016

Koorka Irachi Curry/Chinese Potato and Beef Curry

Koorka Irachi Curry/Chinese Potato and Beef Curry

Today's recipe is a delicious combo of Koorka and beef .Koorka/ Chinese potato is a healthy and tasty vegetable.It is a seasonal vegetable yet popular in Kerala. This recipe is inspired from my sisters college hostel memories. She used to talk about delicious ethakka/plantain beef and koorka beef  that they had from college canteen. This is a simple and delicious curry and is a  perfect side dish for rice and parottas.

Beef - 3/4 Kg
Koorka/Chinese potato- 1/2 kg
Tomato -2
Shallots- 1 cup
Chopped onions-1 medium
Chopped ginger-1 tbs
Chopped garlic- 6-7 pods
Vinegar- 1 tsp
Chilly powder-2 tsp
Turmeric powder- 1/4 tsp
Coriander powder 2 tsp
Pepper powder- 1/2  tsp
Meat masala- 1 tsp
Garam masala- 1/2 tsp
Curry leaves- a few
Coconut oil- 3-4 tsp

 To clean the koorka/Chinese potato the easiest way is to put them in a cloth bag or a sack and gently hit a few times on hard surface or on the floor. It sounds weird but you will notice that the skin will get separated in this process. If there is any excess left, scrape off with a knife. Wash thoroughly and then cut into small pieces.

Clean and wash beef and cut into small pieces. Marinate with ginger garlic paste,vinegar,pepper powder, turmeric powder and salt. Set aside for half an hour.
Cook marinated  beef, sliced onion and koorka in pressure cooker. Add half cup of water and cook in medium flame till 3 whistles, reduce the flame and continue cooking  for another 5-6 minutes and switch off the flame. Allow it to cool down a bit.

Heat coconut oil in a pan and add chopped shallots and curry leaves and saute till golden brown. Add  chopped tomato and saute till it turns soft and mushy.Add chilly powder,coriander powder, meat masala and garam masala and mix. Now add in the cooked meat and koorka and half cup of water.Simmer for another 4-5 minutes or till the gravy thickens

Try this,
Hope you will all enjoy!