Monday, May 23, 2016

Chocolate coffee pudding

2 ½ cup milk
8g china grass
1/8 cup chocolate powder (I used dark chocolate powder)
2 tsp coffee powder
1 cup condensed milk
1 tbsp sugar
½ cup half cream

1)     Soak china grass in 1 cup hot water for half an hour
2)    In a pan add milk and heat to boil once boiled and started to thicken add soaked agar with water stir continuously till agar melt completely
3)    Add condense milk. Mix well and switch off the flame. I added 1 tbsp sugar (you may can skip this)
4)    Add half cream mix well and pour into pudding tray or mold.
5)    Let it cool. Once cooled keep in refrigerature to set

6)    You can serve this with with cream and chocolate